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≫ Descargar LARC Transmissions Anki Legacies 0 A Science Fantasy Anthology for Young Adults eBook S Shane Thomas

LARC Transmissions Anki Legacies 0 A Science Fantasy Anthology for Young Adults eBook S Shane Thomas

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Download PDF  LARC Transmissions Anki Legacies 0 A Science Fantasy Anthology for Young Adults eBook S Shane Thomas

LARC Transmissions is a short story collection inspired by alternate history, biology, and astronomy. Explore the League of Atlantis Reborn Colonies universe in 45 tales of varying lengths, stretching the limits of imagination.

Droids repopulate a plague addled colony in Chip Off the Old Block. Geneticists cast ethics aside to create the perfect people for harsher worlds in Chasing Stars. A carnivorous plant species tries to have human explorers for lunch in Uprooted. The final story Rakshasa is a novelette that follows Subahu, a free Nefilim who struggles to find purpose after life as a warrior. It takes place after Distant Origins and sets the scene for two upcoming LARC novels.

LARC Transmissions Anki Legacies 0 A Science Fantasy Anthology for Young Adults eBook S Shane Thomas

In S. Shane Thomas’ LARC Universe (short for the League of Atlantis Reborn Colonies), humanity has found the legendary city of Atlantis- and it turns out it's actually an ancient starship! By reverse-engineering the craft’s technology, the peoples of Earth build several massive space arks and launch them into the open sea of the galaxy to find new homes for humanity.

LARC Transmissions is an anthology of more than forty short-short stories chronicling some of the adventures of the LARC colonists, along with other denizens of Thomas' universe.

Through the course of the journey we the readers learn of the first rulers of the galaxy- the dragon-like Anunnaki (frequently shortened to Anki) and their created servitors, the shape-shifting Nephilim who brought knowledge and civilization to ancient man in the cities of Sumer and Babylon- though their motivations were far from pure altruistic desire to uplift a young species, as we soon learn.

We also explore newfound worlds alongside the colonists, discovering a diversity of alien beings. Thomas clearly has an eye for speculative biology as we meet among others: telepathic, walking carnivorous plants; microscopic beings traveling inside mobile cities that resemble yellow anteaters; “ghosts” made of dark matter; giant intelligent crustaceans beneath the ice of Enceladus; and more.

At least one of the LARC ships is also the home of some serious experiments in genetic tinkering by the brilliant, but somewhat morally-ambiguous Dr. Erin Jeffries. The doctor gives us human protagonists who have been supplemented with the ultra-resilience of tardigrades along with men and women granted immortality through genetic hybridization with Antarctic krill, plus a few other genetic marvels.

The sweeping canvas of LARC Transmissions recalls Ray Bradbury’s Martian Chronicles whilst the frequent sketches of alien biology bring to mind Olaf Stapledon’s Starmaker, or the Planetary Odyssies of Stanley G. Weinbaum. The stories of the Anki and Nephilim, meanwhile, are a good mixture of ancient mythology and the classic science fiction trope of Ancient Astronauts.

Despite the short length of each tale, they manage to build together into an engaging narrative, and even the few stand-alone tales provide an interesting glimpse into as yet unexplored regions of the galaxy.

Whether you have read Thomas’ other books or not, this anthology is an excellent journey through the universe that he has created.

Product details

  • File Size 711 KB
  • Print Length 207 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date March 18, 2016
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read  LARC Transmissions Anki Legacies 0 A Science Fantasy Anthology for Young Adults eBook S Shane Thomas

Tags : LARC Transmissions: Anki Legacies 0: A Science Fantasy Anthology for Young Adults - Kindle edition by S Shane Thomas. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading LARC Transmissions: Anki Legacies 0: A Science Fantasy Anthology for Young Adults.,ebook,S Shane Thomas,LARC Transmissions: Anki Legacies 0: A Science Fantasy Anthology for Young Adults,Fiction Short Stories,Juvenile Fiction Science Fiction
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LARC Transmissions Anki Legacies 0 A Science Fantasy Anthology for Young Adults eBook S Shane Thomas Reviews

After reading the first book by this author Distant Origins, I was looking forward to reading this! I won't give anything away but this book was truly amazing! I would recommend it to anyone. The author is a very skilled writer with a unique imagination! I am look forward to reading more books from him.
Shane Thomas has a fun project going on. He has a site where you can download several VERY short stories in audio form (nicely read by Shane himself).
I downloaded about two thirds of the stories that were available -- just to sample, and in order to give a fellow indy some public feed back. I picked these stories BECAUSE they were short, and because they were in audio form, and because I could “read” them as I drove to work. The stories are so short, they almost defy review, but they are all related, and can be discussed as a grander project.
The stories I sampled offered a variety of tones and approaches, all centering around life aboard a vast and busy Colonization Ship. There were aspects to the stories that were subversively funny (Thomas has a Dr Frankenstein-ish Gene Splicer named Dr. Jefferies (Professor Jefferies?) who seems to create life forms based on the best way to exploit planetary conditions (hmm, do you have a lot of heavy things to move? ants can lift ten times their body weights - splice a human and an ant, and send down an ANT-BOY - problem solved (for now))) Thomas also makes this Gene Splicer keep these children motivated by showering them with motherly praise and affection, and when they start talking about getting older and MARRYING her, she starts making mental notes about cellular age manipulation to keep them perpetually young. The character doesn’t seem evil, but she’s certainly “off” - enthusiastic - but “off” (she reminded me of the stylist/handler in the Hunger Games - Elsie Trinket?- similar - at least to me.)
Thomas also uses the set up to tell stories involving the colonists themselves. In one I listened to, a family runs into trouble on a planet when a child gets bitten by a poisonous life-form. The boy’s pet succeeds in getting the boy help, and then gets insulted when the boy gives the credit for his rescue to the people who brought him the antidote. The story is very short, and I just gave it away, but as of this writing, I may not be remembering it completely, and there could still be cool things to discover in the very short story.
There are darker stories in the samples, and some interesting thought experiments ( how much trouble would it cause if the unguarded thoughts you had in reaction to environmental stimuli instantly came true? Thomas strings together a handful of events that cause quite a bit of trouble - all in a few hundred words).
A personal stand out for me was the invention of “smart cloth” -- which allows its user to utilize almost any attribute a covering might provide (invisibility/ protection/ blade edges etc.) -- which is a good story engine all on its own, Thomas presents the idea, and then takes it out for a quick spin in a slightly longer story involving dirty laundry on a rampage.
These stories are built to be QUICK - there aren’t many examples of nuance or plot development. My overall impression is that Thomas is building something like a middle school X-Men project on a ship that travels to Bradbury planets. Which could be fun - but I could also be WAY OFF COURSE in my impression (it wouldn’t be the first time).
Thomas’ mp3 files are free, and they seem like an easy way you could try a fellow - Knight’s work. I think he has longer works available as well; maybe someone could give a report on one of them?
Thank you
- Rik Ty
I enjoyed the short stories expanding the LARC universe. Interesting new creatures. New romances. Looking forward to the next adventure on paleolithic earth.
In S. Shane Thomas’ LARC Universe (short for the League of Atlantis Reborn Colonies), humanity has found the legendary city of Atlantis- and it turns out it's actually an ancient starship! By reverse-engineering the craft’s technology, the peoples of Earth build several massive space arks and launch them into the open sea of the galaxy to find new homes for humanity.

LARC Transmissions is an anthology of more than forty short-short stories chronicling some of the adventures of the LARC colonists, along with other denizens of Thomas' universe.

Through the course of the journey we the readers learn of the first rulers of the galaxy- the dragon-like Anunnaki (frequently shortened to Anki) and their created servitors, the shape-shifting Nephilim who brought knowledge and civilization to ancient man in the cities of Sumer and Babylon- though their motivations were far from pure altruistic desire to uplift a young species, as we soon learn.

We also explore newfound worlds alongside the colonists, discovering a diversity of alien beings. Thomas clearly has an eye for speculative biology as we meet among others telepathic, walking carnivorous plants; microscopic beings traveling inside mobile cities that resemble yellow anteaters; “ghosts” made of dark matter; giant intelligent crustaceans beneath the ice of Enceladus; and more.

At least one of the LARC ships is also the home of some serious experiments in genetic tinkering by the brilliant, but somewhat morally-ambiguous Dr. Erin Jeffries. The doctor gives us human protagonists who have been supplemented with the ultra-resilience of tardigrades along with men and women granted immortality through genetic hybridization with Antarctic krill, plus a few other genetic marvels.

The sweeping canvas of LARC Transmissions recalls Ray Bradbury’s Martian Chronicles whilst the frequent sketches of alien biology bring to mind Olaf Stapledon’s Starmaker, or the Planetary Odyssies of Stanley G. Weinbaum. The stories of the Anki and Nephilim, meanwhile, are a good mixture of ancient mythology and the classic science fiction trope of Ancient Astronauts.

Despite the short length of each tale, they manage to build together into an engaging narrative, and even the few stand-alone tales provide an interesting glimpse into as yet unexplored regions of the galaxy.

Whether you have read Thomas’ other books or not, this anthology is an excellent journey through the universe that he has created.
Ebook PDF  LARC Transmissions Anki Legacies 0 A Science Fantasy Anthology for Young Adults eBook S Shane Thomas

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